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Getting Started: Swift's Structured Concurrency
Learn how to apply structured concurrency in your applications, using task groups and other structured concepts.
Environment Variables in Swift
Explore the importance of environment variables in Swift and how to use them.
Using OpenAPI Generator with Hummingbird
Learn how to use OpenAPI Generator to create Swift APIs with Hummingbird.
What's new in Hummingbird 2?
Discover Hummingbird 2: a Swift-based HTTP server framework, with modern concurrency and customizable request contexts.
Building an HTTP client using SwiftNIO
Learn how to build a simple HTTP client using SwiftNIO and structured concurrency.
Logging for server-side Swift apps
Discover how to integrate the Logging library into an application, use various log levels, and tailor the unified logging API for backend projects.
Using SwiftNIO - Channels
Create a TCP server using SwiftNIO and structured concurrency
Using SwiftNIO - Fundamentals
Learn the fundamental concepts of SwiftNIO, such as EventLoops and nonblocking I/O
Developing with Swift in Visual Studio Code
Learn how to set up your Visual Studio Code for Swift development using Docker, Dev Containers and the Swift for VS Code extension.