Tibor Bödecs

Tibor Bödecs

Binary Birds Kft.

Tibor is the author of The Practical Server-Side Swift book and also writes on theswiftdev.com, he is the co-founder of Binary Birds Kft. Tibor provides Server-Side Swift development and consulting.

Get in touch with Tibor

7 posts

AsyncHTTPClient by example

This article offers practical examples to introduce the Swift AsyncHTTPClient library.

Environment Variables in Swift

Explore the importance of environment variables in Swift and how to use them.

Introduction to Swift Service Lifecycle

This article offers practical examples to introduce the Swift Service Lifecycle library.

Logging for server-side Swift apps

Discover how to integrate the Logging library into an application, use various log levels, and tailor the unified logging API for backend projects.

Useful scripts for server-side Swift

Learn about shell scripts to enforce coding standards and conduct checks for backend Swift projects.

Using WebSockets in Hummingbird

In this article, you will learn about WebSockets and how to use them with the Hummingbird framework in a straightforward, easy-to-follow manner.

What's new in Hummingbird 2?

Discover Hummingbird 2: a Swift-based HTTP server framework, with modern concurrency and customizable request contexts.