· 15 min read

Advanced Async Sequences in Swift

AsyncSequences are very prevalent in Server-Side Swift, and are becoming more prominent in macOS and iOS apps as well.

Like other structured concurrency features, AsyncSequences enable structured programming. This makes it easier for you to reason about your code, and write more robust code free of data races.

This guide assumes familiarity with Structured Concurrency as covered in these guides:

What is a Sequence?

Swift’s Sequence types are very commonly present in Swift. They provide sequential, iterated access to its elements. The most common sequence types such as Array, Set and Dictionary are all a Collection.

These Collection types can accessed by subscript, by providing an Index. The type of Index varies between implementations. A common example is the Int index used to access an Array.

Whereas Collection types enable access to one or more specific elements, Sequence do not necessarily provide this capability. A Sequence solely has the ability to iterate upon a set of elements.

When you’re using a for .. in loop to iterate elements, you’re always leveraging the sequence APIs.


Sequence implementations only need to provide one function, the Sequence/makeIterator function. This function creates an IteratorProtocol that you implement as well.

IteratorProtocol should be implemented as a struct, and has a single function called next. This mutating function returns the next element in the sequence.

A common way to consume sequences and iterators is the for .. in syntax:

for element in mySequence {

Swift uses some syntax sugar in the above example, and unwinds that code behind the scenes:

var iterator = mySequence.makeIterator()
while let element = iterator.next() {

The next function returns the Element as an Optional. The sequence ends when the ‘next’ element is nil.

While Sequences commonly represent a collection of elements, there’s no hard requirement that a sequence does so. In fact, a sequence doesn’t even need to be finite. You could implement a random number generator that indefinitely outputs new random numbers when iterated upon.


AsyncSequences work very similarly to Sequence, in that they create an iterator that has a next function. Unlike Sequence, an AsyncSequence uses AsyncIteratorProtocol, which is created in AsyncSequence.makeAsyncIterator. The iterator returns its next result asynchronously as well, using structured concurrency.

This enables the following syntax:

for await element in myAsyncSequence {

This unwinds to the following code:

var iterator = myAsyncSequence.makeAsyncIterator()
while let element = await iterator.next() {

The simplest AsyncSequence you can create is AsyncStream, which we’ll cover later.

Throwing Async Iterators

Unlike IteratorProtocol, an AsyncIteratorProtocol has another big trick up its sleeve!

An AsyncIterator can throw errors from the next function. In addition to returning nil, a sequence can end when it throws an error. This is extremely helpful for using an AsyncSequence in networking operations - which can encounter errors in addition to being async calls.

The throwing counterpart to AsyncStream is AsyncThrowingStream, which we’ll also cover later. You can iterate over throwing async sequences in a similar way to non-throwing async sequences:

for try await element in myAsyncThrowingSequence {

Some libraries such as MongoKitten use a throwing AsyncSequence to provide a stream of documents from a MongoDB collection. Since network errors can occur at any point, these errors are thrown from the iterator.

Using AsyncStream

The simplest way to create an AsyncSequence is to use AsyncStream. This is a stream of elements that you can append to, and iterate over. The main way to create an AsyncSequence is to use the static makeStream(of:bufferingPolicy:) function.

let (stream, continuation) = AsyncStream<Int>.makeStream()

The two arguments of the function have a default value. of: specifies the type of element that this stream carries. This is currently being inferred to Int through generics.

bufferingPolicy: specifies how the stream should buffer elements. The default value is AsyncStream.Continuation.BufferingPolicy.unbounded. This means that the stream will buffer all elements until they are consumed. If you want to limit the buffer size, you can use bufferingOldest(_:) or bufferingNewest(_:).

You can add elements to the stream using the yield(_:) function. This mechanism is great for bridging synchronous code with async code. For example, you can use a synchronous function to generate elements, and yield them to the stream.

Implementing AsyncStream

To create an AsyncStream, first you need to define the type of elements that the stream will carry. In this case, a custom Event is being defined.

// Define all UI events that a user can send
enum UIEvent: Sendable {
    case startDownloadTapped

// Create a stream of UI events
let (stream, continuation) = AsyncStream<UIEvent>.makeStream()

After creating the stream, you can yield events to the stream. This is done by calling the yield function on the continuation. The follwing example shows how to yield an event when a button is tapped in SwiftUI. Note that these practices can be used in any Swift codebase, including on Linux and Windows.

struct StartDownloadView: View {
    let continuation: AsyncStream<UIEvent>.Continuation

    var body: some View {
        Button("Start Download") {

By leveraging the structured nature of Swift’s concurrency model, we can predict the behavior of our code more easily. For example, when a user taps the button twice, we can be sure that the stream will receive two events in order.

actor AppState {
    enum DownloadState {
        case notDownloaded
        case downloading
        case downloaded

    var downloadState = DownloadState.notDownloaded
    let stream: AsyncStream<UIEvent>

    init(stream: AsyncStream<UIEvent>) {
        self.stream = stream

    func handleEvents() async {
        for await event in stream {
            switch event {
            case .startDownloadTapped:
                switch downloadState {
                case .notDownloaded:
                    downloadState = .downloading
                    do {
                        try await startDownload()
                        downloadState = .downloaded
                    catch {
                        downloadState = .notDownloaded
                case .downloading, .downloaded:
                    // Don't respond to user input

Parallising Work

The main issue in the above logic is that the startDownload function is prevening the app from handling other UIEvents while the download is still in progress. Due to structured concurrency, your UI won’t freeze, but any events are still being queued up and not executing. This can be a problem if you have multiple actions that do not interact with each other.

We can rewrite the loop using a DiscardingTaskGroup to start the download in parallel with handling other events.

func setDownloadState(_ state: AppState.DownloadState) {
    downloadState = state

func handleEvents() async {
    await withDiscardingTaskGroup { taskGroup in
        for await event in stream {
            switch event {
            case .startDownloadTapped:
                switch downloadState {
                case .notDownloaded:
                    downloadState = .downloading
                    taskGroup.addTask {
                        // This code runs in parallel with the loop
                        // It doesn't block the loop from handling other events
                        do {
                            try await self.startDownload()
                            await self.setDownloadState(.downloaded)
                        catch {
                            await self.setDownloadState(.notDownloaded)
                case .downloading, .downloaded:
                    // Don't respond to user input

The downloadState property is set to downloading before parallelising work. This ensures that quickly tapping the button twice can never result in two downloads happening at the same time.

Implementing Custom AsyncSequence

You can implement your own AsyncSequence by implementing the AsyncSequence protocol. This protocol has two associated types: Element and AsyncIterator. You’ll need to implement the makeAsyncIterator function and the AsyncIteratorProtocol.

First we’ll define our custom DelayedElementEmitter struct. This struct will emit elements from an array with a delay between each element.

struct DelayedElementEmitter<Element: Sendable>: AsyncSequence {
    let elements: [Element]
    let delay: Duration

    init(elements: [Element], delay: Duration) {
        self.elements = elements
        self.delay = delay

This struct needs an iterator and a function to construct that iterator. The iterator is not expected to be shared between multiple consumers, so it can be a struct.

Unlike a regular Sequence, the makeAsyncIterator is expected to be called only once. While structured concurrency allows calling this function multiple times, it’s not expected that a sequence supports this in practice.

extension DelayedElementEmitter {
    struct AsyncIterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
        var elements: [Element]
        let delay: Duration

        mutating func next() async throws -> Element? {
            try await Task.sleep(for: delay)
            guard elements.isEmpty else {
                return elements.removeFirst()
            return nil

    func makeAsyncIterator() -> AsyncIterator {
            elements: elements,
            delay: delay

You can now use this custom AsyncSequence in your code. The following example shows how to create a sequence that emits numbers from 1 to 5 with a delay of 1 second between each number.

Note that our custom DelayedElementEmitter cannot be iterated upon without a try keyword to handle errors. This is because the next function can throw errors due to being marked as throws. We can also handle the CancellationErrors that Task.sleep(for:tolerance:clock:) throws in the next() function.

mutating func next() async -> Element? {
    do {
        try await Task.sleep(for: delay)
    } catch {
        return nil

    if elements.isEmpty {
        return nil
    } else {
        return elements.removeFirst()

The above change would allow you to iterate over the sequence without needing to handle errors.


The next function can be cancelled by the consumer. This can be done through TaskGroup.cancelAll, Task.cancel or a variety of other cancellation mechanisms.

It is expected that Async Sequences handle cancellation gracefully as appropriate. In Networking, this could mean cancelling a network request. In a generator, this could mean stopping the generation of new elements through AsyncStream.Continuation.finish.

To detect a cancellation signal, use withTaskCancellationHandler(operation:onCancel:). Or when using Swift Service Lifecycle, use withTaskCancellationOrGracefulShutdownHandler(operation:onCancelOrGracefulShutdown:).

Changes in Swift 6

In Swift 5, any async function that does not use actor isolation implicitly runs on the global concurrent executor. This means that the AsyncIteratorProtocol.next function runs on the global concurrent executor as well.

Starting with Swift 6, a variant of this function is available.

mutating func next(isolation actor: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation) async throws -> Element?

The isolated (any Actor)? argument allows callees to tell an async function which actor the function runs on. This is helpful for performance-sensitive contexts.

Finally, Swift 6’ AsyncSequences can specify an associatedtype Failure: Error. Using typed throws, you can specify the type of error that the iterator can throw.

mutating func next(isolation actor: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation) async throws(Failure) -> Element?

By default, throws is equivalent to throws(any Error), and this is reflected when you omit specifying a specific Error type in Failure.


AsyncSequences are a cornerstone of structured concurrency in Swift. They enable you to create streams of elements that can be iterated upon asynchronously. They’re especially useful in networking, but also serve great purpose in UI programming and other areas.

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